Magic's Dark Slick & Sticky Underbelly
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 03:03PM
Dodd Vickers in magician
Brian BrushwoodFrom the PR Newswire we learn of Scam School, the title of a new video podcast from Revision 3 featuring self titled Bizarre magician Brian Brushwood. According to yesterday's press release, "Scam School" is a do-it-yourself guide to performing magic tricks guaranteed to entertain friends and strangers, and score you free drinks at the bar. To celebrate the launch, Revision3 will be releasing an episode a day for the first week of the show. The show is available for download at or by clicking here. Following the initial launch week, new episodes will be available weekly on Fridays at 4pm. Jim Louderback, CEO of Revision3 said of the new show, "We're actually lifting the veil on popular magic tricks, to teach our audience how to perform them just like famous magicians. But all of our tricks have a purpose: to help you score points -- and free drinks -- at the bar. What could be better for our 21-30 year old target market?" "If magic had a dark, slick, sticky underbelly, it would be 'Scam School,'" said host Brian Brushwood. Brushwood is a guest lecturer at Cornell University and is the author of three books about scams and magic, Cheats, Cons, Swindles & Tricks: 57 Ways to Scam a Free Drink, Pack the House: The Ultimate, Ever-Growing Guide to Increasing Attendance to YOUR Campus Events, and Professional's Guide to Fire Eating.
Article originally appeared on The Magic Newswire (
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