Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 11:30AM
Dodd Vickers in magician
The Herald has posted an interview with Irish magician Keith Barry entitled "Heart up his sleeve." Barry tells the interviewer, "For me, great magic has to be entertaining, first and foremost. Different magicians have different styles, obviously. It's like asking if you like Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? Do you like Penn & Teller or Keith Barry? My aim is to make people laugh first, and then be fooled by some good magic afterwards. When I was at college, my girlfriend -- who's now my wife -- was studying psychology, and that's when I got interested in incorporating that side of it. I started studying hypnosis as well. So, for me, I like to play with all the different aspects." In case you missed our interview with Keith during his Las Vegas performance series, you can listen below: