While everyone else speculates as to how Derren Brown managed to predict the UK Lotto drawing last week, the magician is trying to decide what to do with the £2 Million that Channel 4 is paying him for the increase in ratings that he brought to the channel. According to the Sunday Express:
The golden handcuffs deal comes after ITV tried to lure him with a similar offer. But it is believed the 38-year-old star turned it down because he didn’t want to become another Paul Daniels-style family act. (snip) More than 3million viewers tuned in to the first of a five-part Channel 4 series on Wednesday to see Mr Brown correctly predict the Lotto numbers. (snip) Another 3million people tuned in on Friday to see Mr Brown explain how he had predicted the numbers. But viewers were left baffled when he said he had used a “deep maths” technique called “the wisdom of crowds”.