It goes without saying that the magic community is still reeling from the loss of one of our mentors, the amazing Johnny Thompson. It was because of him that I put together this interview with him and some of Charlie Miller's students and friends. The original description of this interview follows: "Seconds, bottoms, the pass, Malini, Vernon and so much more. Charlie Miller is one of those names that is often mentioned in the context of modern card magic. In that same context, he is one of those technicians that I think that many of us know too little about. I hope that this conversation with some of his closest friends does something to rectify that. In this episode of the Magic Newswire's "Spirit of Magic" podcast, our good friend Johnny Thompson is joined by two other legends in magic, Harry Riser and Bob White. I am only there to guide the conversation, but what an amazing conversation it was! Enjoy and learn!" We miss you sorely Johnny!