Nathan Burton premiered his new show at the Flamingo to a celebrity packed house. According to Robin Leach "A mob of magicians, a pack of prestidigitators, a wand of wizards and a crowd of conjurors showed up to lend their support and applause, and also proved Vegas is world headquarters for the abracadabra business." Among the attendees were Teller, Emanuelle Lewis, whom Burton made to appear a'la Larry King, Criss Angell and his latest girlfriend Giselle, Lance Burton, Frank Marino, Gerry McCambridge, Mac King, professional poker player Antonio “The Magician” Esfandari and Flamingo President Don Marrandino. According to the Vegas Eye, "Following the special 8 p.m. show, guests were led by a team of Flamingo-clad showgirls to Voga Bistro where the restaurant served as the venue for Nathan’s special after party/birthday party (his birthday was May 9th) where the sexy girls from X Burlesque performed a special dance for Nathan and his guests."
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