"Magic 1400's -1950" Book CoverToday. the FedEx guy dropped off a Sixteen Pound Coffee Table... I mean Coffee Table book by Taschen, "Magic: 1400-1950." All that I can say is WOW! It measures 29 x 44 cm (11.4 x 17.3 in.) with 650 pages beautiful pages! If you haven't ordered yours, do so. You going to want this one! Beautiful! I've been was looking forward to receiving this, but had no idea that I'd be so impressed! Kudos to Jim & Mike. This book is priced at $200. However, for a 650 page master archive of our Magic history (1400-1950), it is a fair price in my opinion and very well worth it.
About the authors:
Mike Caveney is a writer, collector, professional magician, and the publisher of over 50 books on the theory, practice, and history of magic. His biographical works include Kellar’s Wonders (2003) with Bill Miesel, and Carter the Great (1995). An avid collector and performer for over four decades, he has appeared onstage or on TV in more than 20 countries.
Jim Steinmeyer is the author of many books on magic history and practice, including Los Angeles Times bestseller Hiding the Elephant (2004) and The Glorious Deception (2006). He has My Copy of the book pictured in its Box/Case (I tossed in a deck of cards to provide a sense of scale.)created deceptions featured by magicians such as Doug Henning, David Copperfield, and Siegfried and Roy, and critically acclaimed illusions for Broadway hits Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, and Into the Woods.
About the contributing author:
Ricky Jay is one of the world's great sleight of hand artists, and a distinguished actor, historian, and best-selling author. His Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women and Jay’s Journal of Anomalies were both New York Times "Notable Books of the Year," and he defined the terms of his art for The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre and Encyclopedia Britannica.