"Violent Pendragon Poster" (In bad taste if you ask me)While waiting to go inside the theatre for the Monday evening stage show - I thought I'd take a browse through Zakary Belamy's exhibition of photos of famous magicians.
This is one they may wish to remove. Now somewhat disconcerting. Entitled "Violent - Jonathan Pendragon"
Despite the action-packed day, I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. And then finally it hit me. Normally by this stage, the potential host cities for the next FISM are busy plying their trade, soliciting support and trying to win you over with their vision for a bigger, better, even more exciting FISM. With only one bid city for 2012 - competition is not exactly rife.
A wonder if this is a sign of things to come?
ideo cameras are absolutely everywhere inside the theatre - both official and unofficial ( this FISM is going to the most recorded, photographed and probably pirated in history ... everyone is recording everything no matter what announcement you make or how many times you ask )
After finally getting everyone seated - Mac King's booming voice announces the first act - from Japan, Fujiyama Shintaro ...the live recreation of the Bellagio fountains on stage. Water sprouts from anywhere and everywhere - fans, flowers, heads, buckets, vases - you name it - water flows. It's an irrigation extravaganza. It's one of those acts seldom seen live - one cringes to think of the enormous setup ( and plumbing ! )
Mac King as MC was an inspired choice. He is a likeable, loveable character whose endearing personality fills the cavernous theatre. With hilarious antics, language barriers and highlights from his Las Vegas show, Mac held everything together beautifully.
Double Fantasy from Ukraine was a new act for most I'm sure. Starting with an Artist's Dream illusion, the beguiling temptress is produced from within the easel with lighning speed. A combination De Kolta style chair / Metamorphosis illusion takes place with the magician vanishing from the chair and re-appearing in the place of the lady a few metres away. Or so in theory. Having the magician wear a blonde wig pretending to be the temptress before the reveal is certainly an interesting choice of execution. The duo ended with a traditional Asrah which was well done and much liked by the audience.
Some earthworms, appearing bear and infamous cloak of invisibility preceded the gravity defying Yang Gang - a Chinese acrobat who balanced single-handedly atop 8+ chairs more than 12 metres in the air *literally* touching the rooftop of the venue. Simply incredible the likes of which I have never seen ( remember, just give the magicians acrobats :-) We also love jugglers, too )
Jorgos from Greece combines a large projection screen and live interaction with a 'genii in the bottle' character of himself. I am not a fan I am afraid.
Faith is restored though as past FISM winner - Lee Eun Gyeol - bursts back onto stage with his trademark spikes and mindblowing manipulation. I first saw this act some 7 years ago and it still is incredible. Unfortunately though, Korea now sports a bevy of Lee clones - all technically competent but oh so lacking in originality or style.
Continuing with past FISM winners, Pilou from France followed with his special brand of jena se qua.
Closing the show - and probably one of the most anticipated acts on the bill - was Peter Marvey from Switzerland with his version of Flying. I'm sure others may rave about this ( and make no mistake - I am sure it is incredibly challenging to stage and good on FISM for presenting something such as this with all the illusion bells & whistles ) but as a performance piece goes, it pales in comparison to David Copperfield's. Peter Marvey looks like a theatre version of Peter Pan - the motion of flying is strained and restricted - and completely overdone. As a reference point, Copperfield's is a picture of grace and beauty.
Nevertheless, an impactful way to end the first official stage gala show.
All in all - a strong array of talent in a show at just under 2 hours that likely catered to all tastes ( an epic feat considering the number of people and countries in the audience ) If we can keep this up - we could on the winning streak.
FISM is definitely in full throttle in Beijing. Stage contests again tomorrow at 8:30 am ... until then ...
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