AceShowbiz.com and other media sites are beginning to report on the upcoming premier of the fifth season of Criss Angel Mindfreak which is subtitled "The Five Lives of Criss Angel." During the latest season, Criss will perform "five highly dangerous stunts that can put his life at stake."
White Death - Criss takes the "Buried Alive" escape attempt to an unprecedented level, adding the extra weight and freezing temperatures of snow and ice.
Death Field - Criss attempts to safely traverse a field of live explosives, where the potential for serious injury, if not death, is extremely high.
Terminal Velocity - Defying Newton's Law of Gravity, Criss will stand nearly 250 feet above the Las Vegas strip, drop an object and be at the bottom in time to catch it.
Mass Levitation - Criss takes levitation to new heights by levitating an entire Las Vegas crowd.
Death Crash - Criss will be locked in one of five coffins, while a merciless, three-ton automobile will be employed to smash them to splinters, one at a time.
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