Recent Stories:
Wonder Thunder

Episode #1 : Why saw a woman in half? What is the connection between a deck of cards & the calendar. Remote card location.

Episode #2: Espionage, jealousy & murder among magicians. Adam calls his arch nemesis Richard Vegas.

Episode #3:The first aircraft pilot down under was a magician and a live random number challenge via phone.

Episode #4: Bar stunts, Alice Cooper as a magician and magic used in pop concerts.

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Our friend Jeff McBride gets some press in an article from the las Vegas magazine Weekly 7,  "Man of Many Masks." The article takes you backstage at McBride's Wonderground and also discusses his Magic & Mystery School.

McBride is part White Rabbit, part Mad Hatter and part Alice. He’s your guide, your host and part of the audience. Not to mention he’s an accomplished performer in his own right—McBride has won multiple awards and is famous for combining magic with the Japanese theater style of Kabuki. An hour before showtime, McBride is making decisions about video screens, greeting early guests and ensuring that his creative team wants for nothing.

A monthly performance art spectacular consisting of magic, variety, dance and more, Wondergroundgot its start more than 10 years ago when McBride and company built the Wonderdome, a private venue that also housed monthly events for McBride’s Magic & Mystery School. It took about eight years for the “dome” to be supplanted by the “ground,” first at Palace Station two years ago and now in its permanent home at The Olive.

 Thanks to Jeff McBride and kudos to to finding this as well.