I spoke with Stan earlier today, then got the following email. If you have plans to attend the 20th Anniversary blow-out of Magic Live, it looks like you need to make a decision asap!
From Stan: We have opened registration for Magic Live 2011 and the response has been completely unprecedented. We’re really quite taken aback! When we opened registration for 2009, we hit almost 100 within 24 hours, and we were elated. When we opened Alumni Registration this year, we took well over 100 within 24 minutes! Of the 920 places available, we currently have less than 100 left. I’m mentioning this because it’s you, our subscribers, that we would most like to have attend MAGIC Live! You’re part of our family. So, if you’re thinking about joining us next August, please go directly to our website, Do Not Pass Go, and sign up — now! It only requires a $50 deposit, which is fully refundable through December 31, 2010.